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Nunca Más

Writing is nothing more than a guided dream." — Jorge Luis Borges

I just realized that being on vacation in San Francisco during the time the final assignment is due was not the best planning on my part. Luckily I have access to the Internet now, even just for a few short minutes.

Oh, this class. I’m really glad I decided to take Writing 340 during the summer; I don’t know how I would have been able to survive with all the assignments from my 5 other classes that I would probably be taking. Although there was a lot of work, I definitely learned a lot, mainly having to do with research, and most importantly, my area of study. Officially, I am a Fine Arts major, but my concentration is in graphic design. I don’t consider myself the artist type, and I really don’t know much about art outside the graphic design field. That’s why I decided to focus my papers (except the first one) on the Fine Arts world. I definitely wanted to challenge myself with a subject that, although so close to me, is also very unknown to me. For example, for the second paper, I wrote on the conflict between Pope Julius II and Michelangelo during the painting of the Sistine Chapel. Three summers ago I had the chance to visit Rome and go see the amazing fresco in person. During my research, I developed a greater understanding of the work, and more importantly, a greater respect for the role of the artist during a time when painting was a craft, nothing more than manual labor.

Through this class and the required research, I’ve really come to understand the importance of art in the world. Of course, I always knew that art was important, but I never really realized how much it could affect society, politics and culture.

With this last post, I leave you with a quote to ponder:
“Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind born out of struggle between wisdom and madness, between dream and reality in our mind.”
— Magdalena Abakanowicz